Flowers are used to openly express feelings of affection. Our Wedding Bouquet Quilt Template will make you remember your joyous union with your significant other. To sew Bouquet Quilt, Dutch Rose, and many variations of the eight-pointed star are included.
"We always think that each handmade item is a creation of love and skill and the artisan uses all their abilities to create a beautiful item that celebrates their craftsmanship, that is why we understand the value of each piece.—henlens
A vibrant flower makes a magnificent statement of true love. Use our Wedding Bouquet Quilt Template like a professional to sew gorgeous and unique bouquet quilts, to celebrate each special moment.
The freshest-looking silken flowers that will never fade from the peak of their perfection! Includes time-saving cutting and step-by-step instructions, video, and useful quick tips!
Easy to Use – Set non-slip rings to the back of our quilt template to prevent slipping during cutting. Non-slip rings ensure cutting accuracy and safety.
Perfect for DIY Quilt Projects! - Such as pillows, table runners, rugs, and much more quilting projects for easy adjustment of the angle, shape, or size you want.
Clear Acrylic - You can see the fabric you are cutting
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